Frequently Asked Questions
What primary services do you offer?
Personal Development Coaching, Executive Coaching, Spiritual Direction & Church Growth Consulting
What do you specialize in?
Coaching, Spiritual Direction & Church Growth Consulting
What are the rates of your services?
Rate ranges from $570- $750 for six Coaching or Spiritual Direction sessions based on your income.
Yearly Gross Income
Six & One Hour Six & One Hour
(Coaching) (Spiritual Direction)
$0-$19,000 $570/$120 $450/ $75
$20,000- $29,000 $630/$130 $480/$80
$30,000 - $39,000 $690/$140 $600/$100
$40,000 up $750/$150 $120/$720
One one-hour breakthrough session: $125
Consulting fees are based on the needs of the church/organization.
What is the difference between Coaching & Counseling?
It is important to me that you have clarity about the difference between coaching and other types of professional services such as therapy or counseling, consulting and mentoring. Coaching is future oriented. It's purpose is to move you forward beyond obstacles that are hindering you from attaining specific goals. Coaching focuses on where you are presently and where you are headed, with a goal of helping you gain clarity about your vision, eliminate obstacles to your success, accelerate the pace of personal growth and achieve results that empower you to live your best life – professionally and personally. We can focus on any area of your life: Relationships, Finances, Spiritual Life, Work and Business, or Physical Health and Environments. My job as your coach is not to tell you what to do, but rather to help you uncover the answers that lie within you. As your coach consider me a catalyst for your success.
While coaching is forward-focused, counseling tends to deal more with past issues in which you may find yourself stuck and struggling. We may occasionally discuss something that has occurred in the past, for the purpose of clarifying the present, but your coaching will not focus on resolving the past. A simple rule of thumb to know whether you should be coaching or counseling: If your past is an issue, counseling is your best option. If your past is simply a fact (regardless of whether the circumstances were difficult or negative), you are probably ready for coaching. If it appears that there is an issue for which you may need counseling, I will suggest it. With the support of a counselor or therapist, some individuals choose to engage in coaching and counseling simultaneously, but with a focus on different areas of life for each service..
What is the difference between Coaching and Consulting?
A coach focuses on helping you walk your unique path to success. As the client, you are responsible for the results you receive as a result of coaching. I help you discover how to become more of who you need to be to achieve those results and identify what you may need to do differently. A consultant takes responsibility for a specific project, acting as a specialist*, providing specific deliverables and knowledge. I believe in your ability to fully experience your potential and will provide a safe, consistent space for you to develop your potential.
What is the difference between Coaching & Mentoring?
As a coach, I focus on the development of people in general, and the development of their unique path in particular. A mentor guides you towards a specific path of development. As your coach I am more interested in helping you onto to the unique and divinely ordained path that is meant for you—which may be quite different than the path I have taken, even though the purpose of our paths may be very similar.
What is the difference between Coaching & Spiritual Direction?
The purpose of spiritual direction is to help you grow in authentic intimacy with God. It is present moment focused. A Spiritual Director is a companion who helps you to notice how God is inviting you to be formed in the everydayness of life. A Spiritual Director helps you to discern what could be getting in the way of hearing God and what spiritual practices will help form you for the purpose of becoming more spiritually mature.
My Spiritual Direction relationships are limited to a maximum of 6 appointments within a six month period and as your coach, you can book unlimited coaching appointments*.
*All fees apply.